Установка XBT+Opensuse 11.1
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    По умолчанию Установка XBT+Opensuse 11.1

    Доброго дня !
    подскажите как правильно установить XBT трекер на Opensuse 11.1

    Заранее спасибо

  2. #2
    Иногда оказывает помощь

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    По умолчанию

    Starting under Windows
    Just start the executable. An empty DOS window should appear.
    Installing under Linux
    The following commands can be used to install the dependencies on Debian. The g++ version should be at least 3.4.

    apt-get install cmake g++ libboost-date-time-dev libboost-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-regex-dev libboost-serialization-dev libmysqlclient15-dev make subversion zlib1g-dev

    The following commands can be used to install some of the dependencies on CentOS, Fedora Core and Red Hat. The g++ version should be at least 3.4.

    yum install boost-devel gcc-c++ mysql-devel subversion

    Enter the following commands in a terminal. Be patient while g++ is running, it'll take a few minutes.

    svn co http://xbt.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/xbt/misc xbt/misc
    svn co http://xbt.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/xbt/Tracker xbt/Tracker
    cd xbt/Tracker
    cp xbt_tracker.conf.default xbt_tracker.conf

    Starting under Linux
    Enter the following commands in a terminal.


    Stopping under Linux
    Enter the following commands in a terminal.

    killall xbt_tracker


    The tracker reads it's configuration from the file xbt_tracker.conf and the SQL table xbt_config. There is no need to insert default values into this table.
    name default value
    announce_interval 1800
    anonymous_connect 1
    anonymous_announce 1
    anonymous_scrape 1
    auto_register 1
    clean_up_interval 60
    daemon 1
    debug 0
    full_scrape 0
    gzip_debug 1
    gzip_scrape 1
    listen_ipa *
    listen_port 2710
    log_access 0
    log_announce 0
    log_scrape 0
    pid_file xbt_tracker.pid
    read_config_interval 60
    read_db_interval 60
    scrape_interval 0
    table_announce_log xbt_announce_log
    table_files xbt_files
    table_files_users xbt_files_users
    table_scrape_log xbt_scrape_log
    table_users xbt_users
    write_db_interval 15
    Auto Register

    If auto_register is on, the tracker will track any torrent. If it's off, the tracker will only track torrents (identified by info_hash) that are in the xbt_files table.

    insert into xbt_files (info_hash, mtime, ctime) values ('<info_hash>', unix_timestamp(), unix_timestamp()); // insert
    update xbt_files set flags = 1 where info_hash = '<info_hash>'; // delete


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    Последнее сообщение: 17.10.2011, 17:33

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